Cleaning the particulate filter instead of replacing:
Efficient & fast.
The electronic indicator lights, the vehicle has no more power and extremely high fuel consumption? The diesel particulate filter has only a limited capacity to store particulates. From a certain amount of soot, the soot particles must be burned in a regeneration process to CO2 and ashes. Different reasons can mean the regeneration process does not start and in consequence, the DPF gets clogged with soot particles.
Possible causes:
Defective or not fully functioning injectors
Sooty or coked EGR valve
Different qualities of fuelorBio fuels
Short distance driving profile
TUNAP is the first manufacturer to have developed a patented particulate filter cleaning system with which clogged particulate filters can be cleaned in an installed condition, rapidly, simply and significantly more economical than replacing them.
Used when regeneration is no longer possible
Cleaning to almost new condition possible
No expensive new installation
Cleaning without disassembly of the particulate filter
Neutral ash and metal-free formulation
Evaporates completely
Compatible with other materials